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Welcome to SATTA

Somalia Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (SATTA) is an association representing travel and tourism agencies operating in Somalia. SATTA is a private, independent organization founded in Somalia through a formal agreement between the country’s private travel agencies, to allow the organization to represent the travel and tourism agency’s interests at the national as well as international level. We have strong local representation in Somalia as Our Network Office spread across Somalia and over the world

Featured Airlines

Core Values

Innovation, creativity and development


Travel Insurance
Assistance with lost luggage
Flight Schedules
Assistance with frequent-flyer programs
Organizing of Conferences &Team building events
Negotiations with various Airlines for better rates & upgrades
In order to serve you better, you can now reach us for all membership-related enquiries by calling us directly on +252 612346667.

Latest News & Updates

SATTA's objective is to promote the interests of the travel and tour industry in Somalia.
